Secondary Boys’ Year Level Coordinator’s Message

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

I have enjoyed immensely my first year with you at the Ibrahim Dellal Campus.

After eleven wonderful years at the Meadow Fair Campus, I was naturally a little apprehensive about making a change and moving here, but my concerns quickly dissolved the moment I received the warm and friendly welcome from my new Sunshine family.

Looking back on this year, there are certainly some noteworthy moments that come to mind. One of these is the fantastic time had by those of us who went along to the secondary boys’ camp in July. Sure, the weather may have been a little damp at times, but the teachers and students helped make the camp fun and memorable. Arguably, the moments enjoyed on these school camps are among those most indelibly etched in a student’s post school memories. My other noteworthy event for the year was the Exhibition and Awards Night held last month. It was not only my privilege to share the hosting duties with those talented Year 10 students Yusha Fatima, Amnee Elsouki, Rimon Ismail and Hasanayn Ashraf, but how tremendous was it to see so many of our students performing at their very best, and being recognised for their outstanding achievements?

In closing, I would like to wish every one of you a safe and enjoyable holiday, and a rewarding 2019.

Yours sincerely,
Mr Adrian Verga